yes, he’s the guy in 208 and 220 (that would be george ruch. he needs to be memorialized too…). 202 is maryann zygmonski and isn’t 219 also steve hague?
ahh, Pete’s gems and junk. i put some time in there the summer of 104. sold all my friends discounted, bootleg records. there’s nothing like a job you can wear your bikini to! that was after a short stint at the sunview hotel on the boardwalk where a group of us also worked. i hated that job so much, i never went back for my last paycheck! then george and harry swept me up and i advanced to the likes of Pete’s! i loved the walk from 104 to the boardwalk, seeing all the blue hydrangeas blooming along the side streets… it was always sunny at the beach, wasn’t it?!?